Sunday is a day that is divided, the people who think the week starts with a Sunday and the people who believe that the week ends with a Sunday, I tend to go for the latter and I think its because of my school days.

So this is what I have done over the last two weeks, I have been out with Laura to a little hidden away cafe called 'the Secret Garden Cafe' it is a really cute little cafe with amazing fresh food, For the size of the cafe it has a great range of locally sourced produce and fresh veg, I now can not wait to go there again.

I also went to 'The Circus Mondao' which had a two week stay in Newport, It had animals in the Circus which is a rarity these days, it also had a acrobat that looked like the actor who played Richard in Lost and was pretty much the best asset the circus had. Being the giant 5 year old I am, I just had to own a spinning light which I will end up giving to my Nephew. It was enjoyable enough though I have been to better: 'Uncle Sams American Circus' is amazing.

I also cleaned out my cupboard in my hall, I keep forgetting to take my re-usable bags when I go shopping and having to buy more. (If you are not in Wales, we have to pay for all bags we buy including normal plastic carriers and all money goes to a charity of the businesses choice) In the cupboard I have a shelving unit and 2 of the shelves were filled with bags filled with more bags, must have had about 150. So I sorted through them and (threw them away) recycled them. I only done this because for the last 4 months my husband has been moaning about the amount of space they had taken up. Upon showing him the newly cleared area he then decided that I had thrown (recycled) away good money, bloody men!

I have been testing a few lips stains in the last two weeks and have also done a lot of shopping, however my bargain of the week is the ben and jerrys, which at £1.12 I just couldn't leave any on the shelf, Cherry Garcia is my new favourite and it has started to be like gold dust to find. My husband on seeing me writing this post stated that I must be out of things to say, and I told him that I could quite easily write a paragraph on the importance on Ben and Jerrys in my life and that it was a pure bargain at the price it was, so I have only said this much as this is now just to prove him wrong especially after the above tiff!
What have I been doing this week? Mostly working, however I had a lovely Easter with plenty of junk to eat. My husband and I went to his parents for Easter dinner, which for me was ruined as they made lamb and I hate lamb, this wasn't really the problem as they cooked a piece of chicken for me,  the problem was that they made the gravy with the lamb juice and Me, not thinking, poured it all over the nice dinner and ruined it and made myself sick when I forced myself to eat it because I didn't want to complain.

On Wednesday I had went to the theatre with Laura to see Witches of Eastwick in Newport, It was a pretty funny play and I enjoyed it, my only criticism was that the harmonies were off, but it was opening night and its not the west end! It is something that we are craving to do again, maybe in Swansea and we both want to go and watch blood brothers!

Until yesterday I was running very low on funds so I didn't really go anywhere or do anything else, I have now picked up a few bits and pieces to try, and a dress for a wedding in July!
My week has been good and bad, filled with dread at having to go back to work after just over two weeks holiday. So, what have I done: I've gone out and got drunk, seen Oz the great and powerful, Went to the doctors to find that I am slowly falling apart, gone shopping and bitten all my nails off! Yes that was not the best thing that I have done but it happens.

A pretty slow week in some ways and a great one in others, I have almost finished watching all of Greys Anatomy and I have watched Dollhouse. I have been reading a QI book with lots of random facts and generally doing as little as possible.
Monday was a normal day to most people, went to work, looked after the kids, not for me. For me it was my 27th Birthday and to be fair it was one of the best birthdays Ive had in a long time. A lot of my birthdays since I was 18 have been ok but not good. This year I was spoiled and am still looking forward to one more night out, courtesy of Laura as the final celebration.
Lots of presents, went out for a meal and just generally had lots of fun, roll on next year!
I've not done a lot last week, I manicured my nails and thought they are anything but perfect they are 100times better than they were 4 months ago, I used to bite the nail and pick the skin around the nail and the quick. another 4 months and they should look really good.

My hair is getting healthier, I have started to use Aussie, I used to use it all the time but for some reason I stopped, I'm just using the conditioner but my hair is a lot softer and shiny.

A love puzzle from my husband and a new house plant that I think is lovely.

Finally I tried a new up do, Its a bit messy but not bad and on an evening out I tried to stay natural with my make up, That's really it for this week. Ive been ill over the weekend so haven't really done much or gone anywhere. hopefully a more interesting week to come.
Due to snow, Ive had a pretty un-eventful week and with more snow coming in all I want is my post (I haven't had any since Thursday) as Ive ordered a few things I'm looking forward to but with even more snow, I doubt they will come anytime soon.

So apart from work, going to the new M&S that opened by me (see shoes post) and trying to get my husband to work on icy roads, my week had been boring.

Pictures are of snow, a movie night it, my husband in M&S, his addiction to star wars angry birds and my nails for the week.
I haven't done a 'my week' post for ages so this one covers about 2 and a half weeks.
First I gave myself a french manicure, the first one in over a year and I also tried out my nail art kit, not the best result, but I'm happy for my first ever go.
I went out 2 times in the last week, and had lots of fun though one of those time resulted in my friend being asked if he had a 'Knife' I kid you not, It scares me what this world is coming to.
I have slowly started to master gel liner, and can draw a pretty decent line now, so I can say I'm pretty pleased with myself for that!
Some Baileys is essential for pretty much all occasions and I love to read about the up and coming films from total film magazine.
Dyed Lashes, new Kindle cover that is also a stand and starting to color in my Ryan Gosling Book. Great few weeks.
I also got a new tv and coffee table this week though my kindle still rules my heart!

I've not had an eventful week, bought some nail polish that I have fallen in love with, some Kate moss 107 Lipstick, dressed up for work as a Christmas Chef and had to wear a hat. Bought some lights for the bath, to have a relaxing bath when needed as the light in the bathroom is super bright and not nice when you need to be soothed. a pic of my fav Christmas card I have received so far and the presents I have bought for my best friend all wrapped and ready to tease her!
My Pointsetta, Munchies for the girls night in, Bright lips for the impromptu night out, Pornstar Cocktail choice, My hair being perfect when I have done nothing too it but it had to go in a pony, Why I love make up - It covers circles and bad skin, A touch of craft work by making peppermint creams and hand made marzipan roses and finally all the lovely presents and not a single one is mine!

I have had a very busy week since the last post, I have been for a meal with family and at a church, Watched a Choir, cleaned, Worked, finished shopping for Christmas, cleaned some more, wrapped more presents, Made a few presents, Put my car in a Garage, cleaned yet again! met up with friends, done a secret santa (first one ever), had a girls night in that turned to a girls night out and killed my back in the process and finally cleaned and then spent all of sunday watching fantasy movies, hoping to watch some Christmas movies this week!
My week has been so busy that it hasn't even been a week since my last post. First of all I actually figured out how to do a screenshot on my phone, YAY! I could have found out months ago if I had spent 3 seconds looking on the net but I didn't.

The store where I work had a fire, I was off the day it happened, but my facebook page was covered in updates, Thankfully no one was hurt and the store is ok, no structural damage as the staff were all let back in, if there was damage surely no one would be allowed back into the building. I have been told that it was a bunch of kids who set fire to a car in the underground car park! little shits, I sometimes hate the youth of today. I know that not much has Changed, things like that happened when I was a child, but it does seem to happen more now. I wish I could shout 'GET A HANDLE ON YOUR BRATS!' to the parents.

Me week has consisted of decorating for Christmas, I had lots of fun doing my tree and My husband was having fun being silly in amongst all the decorations. As soon as we had found our Christmas hats, We had to try them on, hehe. I bought a Noel sign and as it came out of the box i put it up the wrong way round. I have two advent calenders this year and they are both malteaser ones, I used to always love the Cadbury, but I had one of these little babies about 3 years ago and nothing else is better now. What can I say I am 26 with 2 advent calenders, a stocking and a big grin!

I made a Sunday Roast on Thursday and bought a ankle length dress that I am using as a nightdress in this cold weather! brrr.

I also had my nieces 1st birthday party, it was the first time I has saw her as they live away. I didn't manage to snap a pic but she has the biggest bluest eyes I have ever seen on a baby, Honestly they are just startling and almost unreal! I have a meal with the family tonight and a Christmas meal at my mother in laws Church Monday evening.

I will be doing these weekly posts as up to Christmas I have lots and lots to do and places to go and people to see. busy time of the year!